Donations Keep Them Flying
Preserving a generation of American history in airborne condition and showcasing it to the world comes at a great cost.
Because, in the interest of airborne safety and historical authenticity, we do not cut any corners on our maintenance, crew training, or historical education programming, operating Placid Lassie costs at minimum $250,000 annually.
Our historic appearances in Europe in 2014, 2019, and 2024 in commemoration of the D-Day invasion and Berlin Airlift cost about $175,000 each, in addition to our normal operating costs.
We are fortunate to be able to bolster our revenue through merchandise sales and appearance fees as a popular airshow act in collaboration with a variety of round-canopy parachute reenactment teams, but these cover only a fraction of our costs. Please consider joining our devoted group of donors who contribute to keep historic aircraft in the skies.
If you have any questions regarding leadership giving or corporate sponsorship, please contact Luc Zipkin, Development Chair, by email or at (914) 602-4846.